After I got shaken down by a pig for sleeping
on 16th street and Arizona canal I moved to the west side by Metro Center and
slept along the Arizona canal.
one of the first places I slept was on the north side of this flood control
ditch which is just north of the Arizona Canal on the east side of
Black Canyon Freeway or I-17
Then I slept in this area just east of 25th Avenue and just north of the flood control ditch. Kind of near American Express where I worked a while ago. It is also just south of the Rose Mofford Park.
I slept one or two times. It is were the flood control ditch along the Arizona Canal meets the Cave Creek Flood control ditch. It is also just south and east of Rose Mofford Park
I also slept in a giant water pipe along the Cavecreek flood control ditch half way between Dunlap and Peoria but I didn't take a photo of it.
23rd Avenue & the Arizona Canal I slept next to this irrigation ditch. I then moved to sleeping between the oleanders and the block fence at this apartment complex. It is just west of a large electrical substation. I stopped sleeping here when a guy who was walking his dogs without leases and the dogs almost attacked me. This was when I first went to SCC.