Golden West Hotel 31 E Monroe Phoenix, Arizona The Golden West Hotel, Motel, or crack house is the worst flea bitten place I have lived in my whole life. I stayed here after being evicted from my apartment unjustly because the manager didn't like me. You don't get a room when you stay at this hotel. They have subdivided each room into the place into kind of like little lockers seperated by 7 foot walls. You get a key to the locker, but anybody can jump over the wall and get into your room. There is a common area where you can bath, take a shower or poop. Of course they don't have HOT water. That would be too expensive. I don't smoke crack, and I didn't know what it smelled like until I came this flop house. I simply stopped sleeping at this place and started sleeping on the streets because it was cheeper. I will sleep ANY day of the year in the desert as opposed to the Golden West Hotel. I was sleeping at the Golden West Hotel when George W Hitler invaded Iraq. This is the first time I ever went to a bar. I used to go to the bar next door to get a few beers before I went to bed. The bar, Newmans Cocktains was also a run down dump. Last if your at the bottom end of society the Golden West Hotel is a great place to live. It is a roof over your head and a place to take a bath. But not much more. And at $10 a day anybody could afford it. Sadly the Phoenix Messy Yard cops closed the place down. After raiding the place it would have cost the owner millions of dollars to comply with the Phoenix messy yard laws. Sadly when the jack booted thugs in the City of Phoenix closed down theis flop house it made a lot of poor people homeless.